Managed IT Services

Let’s handle the IT challenges for your organization. Leverage on our dependable Managed IT Services and reduce the OPEX on your vast and evolving IT needs.

Alternative Energy Solutions

Alternative Energy Solutions emanate from non-conventional energy sources which include wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, nuclear, solar, etc.
Our areas of focus shall be on Solar energy solution and exclusive Inverter solution.
We all need energy for our daily activities.
Our alternative solar power and exclusive inverter solutions will keep you out of the dark and
always keep you powered up at home and in the office environment.

Surveillance & Security

Our turn-key Surveillance and security solutions can be used to monitor, detect, alert and prevent various crimes and risks to individuals at home and in the various business premises.

Office Equipment

By reason of the various evolving technology solutions, office equipment enhances work experience and keeps office operations running smoothly. It therefore has become an essential resource for every office and home.

Maintenance of Computers & Office Equipment

Business operations both at home and office rely on Computers and Office equipment. Any level of equipment failure would significantly impact or cripple operational abilities of the business, hence the non-negligible need for maintenance.